Medical Students and Ecopharmacology: Understanding Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices
Ecopharmacology, Medicine disposal, KAP study.Abstract
Background: Ecopharmacology studies the environmental impact of
pharmaceuticals, focusing on their presence in ecosystems through waste and
disposal. These substances can harm wildlife and contribute to issues like antibiotic
resistance. Addressing this is crucial for public health and sustainability. This study is
designed to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) concerning
ecopharmacology among medical students at our institute.
Objective:To evaluate eco-pharmacology KAP among students in a tertiary hospital.
Methods: It was a questionnaire based cross-sectional observational study. Study
population included second-year healthcare undergraduates. A total of 578
participants who agreed to participate were enrolled and completed a structured KAP
questionnaire, and the data were expressed as percentages.The questionnaire
consisted of 20 closed-ended questions.
Results: The study revealed that 87.45% of respondents were familiar with the term
ecopharmacology, and 91.52% felt a personal responsibility to protect the
environment from pharmaceutical waste. While 82.69% expressed concerns about
excess medicines at home, 41.69% admitted to disposing of expired drugs in the
trash. Only 10.38% followed the recommended practice of returning unused
medicines to a pharmacy or hospital. Additionally, 94.11% supported the need for
clear disposal guidelines, and 94.80% were willing to participate in awareness
campaigns. Participants also proposed solutions such as installing collection boxes in
hospitals and pharmacies to improve pharmaceutical waste management.
Conclusions: The study highlights significant gaps in medical students' knowledge,
attitudes, and practices regarding ecopharmacology. To foster responsible
pharmaceutical disposal and reduce environmental harm, increased education and
awareness are essential. Integrating ecopharmacology into medical curricula can play
a pivotal role in promoting sustainable practices and ensuring long-term
environmental stewardship.