To Evaluate the Efficacy and Hemodynamic Effects of Transdermal Buprenorphine Patch in Postoperative Pain Management in Abdominal Surgeries


  • Dr. Smriti Yadav; Dr. Suresh Chandra Dulara; Dr. Santosh Kr Singh Author


Transdermal Buprenorphine Patch, Postoperative Pain Management, Abdominal Surgeries


The present study was carried out in 120 Patients of age 20-50 years with ASA grade I & II of either sex. The following are the important observations done during the study: Patients receiving transdermal buprenorphine patch 20 microgm/hour 6 hours before surgery had better haemodynamic stability. Among General anaesthesia groups, the HR and SBP were lower in group A (20 mcg/h) at most of the study points. However, the DBP and MAP were slightly higher in group A (20 mcg/h) at most of the study points. RPP (HR*MAP) was lower in group A (20 mcg/h) at most of the study points, except during the initial 6 hours and at 72 hours. In patients undergoing surgeries under Regional Anaesthesia, it was observed that the group B (20 mcg/h) had slightly lower HR. The SBP, DBP and MAP were similar in both the groups. Similarly RPP (HR*MAP) was lower in group B at most of the study points. VAS scores were significantly lower with transdermal buprenorphine patch 20 microgm/hour in both general anaesthesia and regional anaesthesia groups. With respect to General Anaesthesia, it was observed that the scores were significantly lower in the group A (20mcg/h) at all points from 6 h to 72 h. Among the regional anaesthesia, group B was observed that the scores were significantly lower in at all points from 6 h to 72 h. Thus, Buprenorphine 20 mcg/ hr patch had lower VAS scores in both general and regional anaesthesia. In patients done under general anaesthesia, the frequency of rescue analgesia was 5.40±1.16 (group A). In patients done under Regional anaesthesia the frequency of rescue analgesia was 5.13±0.63 in group B. In patients done under general anaesthesia, the total dose of rescue analgesic required was to group C, 405.00±87.20 mgs. In patients done under Regional anaesthesia the total dose of rescue analgesic required group B 385.00±47.16 mgs. All the patients were cooperative, oriented and tranquil by 18 hours of post-operative period. Sedation score of 2 was achieved earlier with 20 micrograms patch in both general and regional anaesthesia groups. No major adverse effects were observed in any of the study groups. Transdermal buprenorphine in a dose of 20 micrograms/hour applied 6 hours prior to surgery provides good analgesia in patients undergoing surgeries with both general and regional anaesthesia, with lower pain scores ( less than 3, after 30 hours postoperative ) and lesser requirement of rescue analgesics (group A, 405.00±87.20 mgs. And group B, 385.00±47.16 mgs), without significant adverse effects. No incidences of bradycardia or hypotension were observed during the study.






